content strategy

Newsletter Revamp

In 2014, I joined the Duke Graduate School to build and oversee its communications operation. One of my first projects was a revamp of the school's email newsletter.

The existing newsletter was sent to students three times a year as a PDF attachment, with no tracking at all. In its place, I developed a vastly improved email newsletter that effectively reached students and provided analytics to help measure success and guide future efforts.

Some of the changes I made:

  • I switched the newsletter to an email marketing platform so we can collect analytics on its performance
  • I increased its frequency from three times a year to monthly, so that it could be a vehicle for more time-sensitive information
  • I strategically made the newsletter's content laser-focused on current graduate students rather than trying to be all things to all stakeholders
  • I prioritized information on resources and opportunities that addressed students' day-to-day needs
  • I tailored the newsletter's content, tone, and approach to mirror the approachable way the school staff interacts with students in real life

Over the course of several years, I built the newsletter into an important part of the school's communications toolkit. It boasts a robust and increasing open rate and is a significant driver of visits to the school website (I can provide more specific data points upon request). Most importantly, the newsletter has become a useful resource of information for students, keeping them informed about opportunities and resources that help them succeed.

More on the development of the newsletter

Screenshot of newsletters

Several issues of the newsletter